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How do I power my QMX?
TheGigRig QuarterMaster uses a standard 2.1mm Center Neg 9V DC power supply and you need to allow for 40mA per loop.
For example if you have a 2 loop QMX you'l need a power supply capable of delivering 80mA.
If you have a 10 loop QMX you'll need to allow for 400mA.
If you use TheGigRig Modular Power Supply your QMX can be powered directly from your Distributor
How Do I Power My Three2One?
This is how you power your Three2One.
Cinc Cinco TRS Connections
Each connection on. TheGigRig Cinco Cinco is TRS, which means there are separate connections for the tip, ring and sleeve. This means that the cinco can be used with both standard mono connections AND TRS connections.
Remote Loopy2 Power Requirements
Your Remote Loopy2 uses a standard 2.1mm Centre Neg 9V DC supply and needs 100mA of available current.
If you use TheGigRig Modular Power Supply you can power it direct from a Distributor
Where Will My Order Ship From?
All U.S. orders are shipped within the U.S. from our fulfilment centre in Delaware.
All other orders are shipped from our headquarters located at Royal Wottoon Bassett in the U.K.
Please note we now ONLY sell direct.
If I'm ordering internationally, what taxes will I need to pay?
All orders within the U.K. and the U.S. are sent internally, ie, all U.K. orders are sent from the U.K. and all U.S. orders are shipped from within the U.S. so there will be no extra taxes to pay.
For anyone else ordering internationally from our U.K. site, since Brexit we no longer charge VAT at the point of checkout. It is instead charged by your local Customs at the point of import at your local rate.
In September 2021 we had an idea that a built in high quality tuner in TheGigRig G3/Atom might ne possible, but it would require a small mod.
We began installing this small mod in all units fromOctober 2021 just incase we could achieve this. To be more specific, the tuner mod is already installed in all units with serial numbers including and higher than;
G3 - 1775
Atom 1312
If your unit has a higher serial number, the only thing you need to activate the inbuilt tuner in G3 is the Tuner Software Update 440.syx
If your unit has a LOWER serial number, do not panic. We'll happily mod your unit for you FOR FREE, all you need to do is get it to us.
If you'd like your unit modded to included that built in tuner you must organise it through the office. To ensure we get your unit and then get it back to you asap there are some forms to fill out. DO NOT just send your G3 back to us without going through our admin team, your unit may be delayed and you may be hit with extra charges and import duty.
For more info please contact
Q. How accurate is the tuner?
A. +/-1 cent which puts it in line with tuners like BOSS TU3, Korg Pitch Black and DigiTech Hardwire
How Do I Use G3 With The Effects Loop Of My Amp?
Connecting your amps' FX loop to G3/Atom is simple.
A helpful way to visualise it is to think of your amps' pre-amp as simply another effects pedal.
The FZ loop in your amp is simply an insert point between your pre-amp and your power amp. So all we're going to do is place the amps' pre-amp in a loop of G3/Atom exactly as we would a normal pedal.
1. Place the pedals you want to go into the front of your amp into the first loops of G3/Atom.
2. Select the loop on G3/Atom where you want to place your pre-amp.
3. Insert your amps' pre-amp into your chosen G3/Atom loop by connecting the SEND from your G3/Atom loop to the front of the amp (your amps main input), and from the amps' FX SEND to the return of your chosen G3/Atom loop. You MUST have this loop activated for all presets
4. All G3/Atom loops AFTER your pre-amp loop will see the signal from your pre=amp, exactly the same as if they were in your amps' FX loop.
5. Connect OUT1 from G3/Atom to your amps' FX RETURN.
So all G3/Atom loops before the pre-amp loop will be sent to the input of the amp, while all loops after will be seeing the pre-amp signal.
Remember, you MUST include your pre-amp loop on ALL presets, otherwise you'll bypass the preamp and be plugged directly into the power amp.
Check out the attached image and video for more info
How Do I Achieve Wet/Dry With G3/Atom?
Getting great Wet/Dry tones with G3 is all about understanding parallel signal paths.
G3 allows you to split your signal and send it to separate outputs as well as select which effects you want to send to the outputs. You can also split and re-join the paths as well giving you some really great parallel signal path options.
There's a vid as well as a pdf with diagrams that lays it all out
99% of connection issues are the patch cables but it could also be a faulty pedal or a power supply problem. What we need to do first is check the patch cables, then the pedal.
Firstly, try testing the pedal straight into your amplifier. Guitar > Pedal > Amplifier? All good? We know the pedal is working.
Next, try testing the patch cables.
Take each patch cable turn and plug it into the loop the pedal was in, then turn on that loop. You'll likely find your culprit here.
If you want to double check your G3, take your Guitar and plug in into the input of G3. Take the SEND of the loop and plug that cable into your amplifier. So Guitar > G3 Input > Loop Send > Amplifier. Turn the loop on, and try.
Hear the Guitar? Good. Lets test the return of the loop.
Take the Amp Input cable and place that into the output of G3. Then take your Guitar input, and plug that into the RETURN of the loop. So Guitar > Return of loop > Output of G3 > Amplifier. Turn the loop on and try.
Hear the Guitar? Good. We know both the sends and returns of G3 are working. So the loop is fine and the pedal is fine.
If this is the case, we recommend double checking your patch cables, these will most probably be the issue. If either of these steps caused you to loose output of your Guitar, there might be a issue deeper here that is worth a email.
Yes you can, but please note, G3 Requires a minimum of 750mA to power correctly. Anything less than this, you will experience all manner of strange glitches. From freezing to other quirks, please ensure G3 is getting a minimum of 750mA. The unit is also ONLY 9v and Centre Negative.
G3 is supplied with a Generator which is 5000mA. If you're using our power system simply connect G3 directly to the output of a Distributor.
If you're using a third party supply you might need to use two of the high current outputs and one of our current doubling cable adapters to ensure G3 is getting enough current
G3/ATOM requires an Expression pedal where the wiper is connected to the ring connection of the TRS connector. Most expression pedals have a polarity switch/Internal dip switches to allow this, or you might need a custom cable (which inverts the tip and ring on one side) to make this compatible.
We've added some extra checks to the song list mode feature, and as this song list was made on a earlier software version, G3 isn't seeing the check information it now expects and its internally panicking a bit. It's all good though. What you'll need to do is back your unit up, factory reset, and then reload your back up.
Next time you go to use this songlist mode, G3 will accept it all fine!
Why Doesn't My SupaNova Work From An Isolator?
The Isolator is designed to power low current pedals, up to 100mA. The High Current Adapters such as TimeLord, Mr Universe, SupaNova, Doubler and ElectroMan are designed to deliver more current, but they MUST be powered from a Distributor. It would be Generator>Distributor>HCA
Check out the attached High Current Adapter manual for more details
How Do I Power This Pedal?
To work out what you need to power a particular pedal you need to determine three main things
Current Draw
Plug Size and Polarity
Lets look at 3 examples
1. Strymon TimeLine
Voltage - 9V DC
Current Draw - 350mA
Plug Size and Polarity - 2.1mm Centre Neg
The TimeLine uses a standard 9V DC supply and a 2.1mm centre negative connector. This combination is industry standard from Strymon to BOSS, which 95% of pedals use.
What is less common is the amount of current it needs - 350mA
For standard pedals which is anything under 100mA we can use an output from our Isolator, but anything over will need a High Current Adapter. In this case a Mr Universe.
2. Jam Pedals Harmonious Monk
Voltage - 9V DC
Current Draw - 40mA
Plug Size and Polarity - 2.1mm Centre Neg
This combination of 9V DC, low current and 2.1mm centre negative is the most common and can be powered from an output of an Isolator
3. Vintage Electro-Harmonix Memory Man
Voltage - 24V DC
Current Draw - 35mA
Plug Size and Polarity - 2.5mm Centre Positive
The Memory Man uses a unique combination of higher voltage (24V DC) and a larger (2.5mm), centre positive connector
To power this pedal we created the ElectroMan adapter which delivers what the MemoryMan needs
Check out the attached Modular Power Supply manual for more info
Ive added a pedal and now nothing works. Why?
There are three reasons why this might happen
1. Wrong Polarity
If you've connected a pedal that uses a non standard polarity centre positive connector, then you'll get a short circuit which will trigger the Generator to shut down to protect itself and your pedals.
ALWAYS double check the voltage and polarity you need to power your pedal
2. Too Much Current Draw On An Isolator
If you've connect a pedal to the output of an Isolator that draws too much current the Isolator will shut down which will also shut down the Generator to protect itself and your pedals. Remember, each output from an Isolator can deliver 100mA max. If your pedal needs more than this it will need a High Current Adapter powered from a Distributor
3. System Overload
The Generator can deliver up to 5000mA of clean 9V DC. We connect the Generator to Distributors which in turn we connect to High Current Adapters and Isolators to power our board.
The 5000mA of available current is high, but its not infinite. If you've put together a rig that draws more that 5000mA the supply may be overheating and shutting down to protect itself and your pedals. You may need to look at adding a second Generator to share the load.
Why is my 9V pedal not working from an Isolator?
Remember, the Isolator can deliver up to 100mA of current. If your pedal needs more than that it will not work from an Isolator. You will need a High Current Adapter to power any pedal over 100mA
Read that attached High Current Adapter manual for more info
Ive Filled One Distributor, How Do I Add Another?
You may connect multiple Distributors together, Simply take the output from your first Distributor and connect it to the input of the second
Remember, you want to connect the high current devices such as G3, or and High Current Adapters to the first Distributor, then lower current draw devices such as Virtual Batteries and Isolators to the second Distributor
I'm Re-Using My Distributor/Isolator Cables. Why Isn't It Working?
The connector tabs used in the Distributor and Isolator are unique. Being able to cut the cables to length and lock them in place is fantastic, and you can re-use them. Just check that there isn't any cable insulation let over in the connector.
The cable should enter into the connector at a depth of around 1cm. If it is shallower than this its worth checking to see if there is left over insulation in the connector.
Simply pop the tab out of the Distributor/Isolator and check to see if there's anything in the hole. The tab will pull all the way out.
If you can see some insulation left over, simply push it out with a paper clip or small Allen key, then pop the tab back in and your'e good to go
How Do I Power My HX Stomp?
Let's look at the HX Stomp power requirements
Voltage - 9V DC
Current Draw - 800mA
Plug Size and Polarity - 2.5mm
So we need a Mr Universe (connected form our first Distributor) and a 2.1mm to 2.5mm cable adapter.
IMPORTANT - The HX Stomp is centre neg so you need the dark green 2.1 to 2.5mm cable adapter. This adapter does NOT reverse the polarity.
If you were to power the H9 you would need to reverse the polarity so you would need a 2.1mm to 2.5mm Reverse Polarity cable adapter

How Do I Get Trails To Work On My WetterBox?
TheGigRig WetterBox has 2 bypass modes. True Bypass Mode (blue LED)
In True Bypass Mode both A&B sides of the mixer are hard bypassed with relays when in bypass
Mixer Mode (red LED)
In Mixer Mode the B Return remains engaged, so any time based effects such as delay and reverb that you have in Loop B will mix/trail over your direct sound.
To switch between modes simply power up the WetterBox while holding down the footswitch. You'll see the LED change colour indicating you have switched modes
Why can't I get my stereo effect to work?
99% of the time when we see this issue its because there is a mono effect in loop A and a stereo effect in loop B
The problem with this set up is with the RETURN A. If you were just using a mono signal path this would be fine, the reverb signal on the ‘tip’ RETURN B (mono plug = ground/shield & tip) would mix on top of the mono signal on the tip of RETURN A.
The issue is that you’re feeding RETURN B with a stereo signal (this is tip-left, ring-right, and ground/shield) and feeding through to the stereo mixer, to the stereo outputs.
So the RING part of the TRS cable has the other part of the stereo signal, BUT, if LOOP A uses a standard mono cable, then the RING part of the return of LOOP A is connected directly to ground, so you won’t get any signal from LOOP A to the stereo output.
The solve is to use a cable like this on the return of loop A

Why Isn't My Expression Pedal Working?
TheGigRig WetterBox requires an Expression pedal where the wiper is connected to the ring connection of the TRS connector. Most expression pedals have a polarity switch/Internal dip switches to allow this, or you might need a custom cable (which inverts the tip and ring on one side) to make this compatible.
We also recommend that the expression pedal uses a 25K or lower potentiometer
How do I power my WetterBox?
TheGigRig WetterBox uses a standard 9V 2.1mm power supply and will need 185mA of current available
My pedal isn't working in the loop of my QMX
There are 2 possible reasons for this.
90% of the team its a faulty patch lead, so double check your patch leads.
The other issue you might have is you're not supplying your QMX with enough current (power) and the relays aren't switching properly. Make sure your power supply has enough current on hand, you'll need 40mA per QMX loop. QMX2 - 80mA, QMX10 - 400mA
Can I control my amp functions with a QMX?
The QMX is designed to switch audio and is not configurable as a remote function switch
How do I connect my QMX to my amps FX loop?
Connecting your amps' FX loop to your QuarterMaster is simple.
A helpful way to visualise it is to think of your amps' pre-amp as simply another effects pedal.
The FX loop in your amp is simply an insert point between your pre-amp and your power amp. So all we're going to do is place the amps' pre-amp in a loop of your QMX exactly as we would a normal pedal.
1. Place the pedals you want to go into the front of your amp into the first loops of QMX.
2. Select the loop on QMX where you want to place your pre-amp.
3. Insert your amps' pre-amp into your chosen QMX loop by connecting the SEND from your QMX loop to the front of the amp (your amps main input), and from the amps' FX SEND to the return of your chosen QMX loop. You MUST have this loop activated at all times
4. All QMX loops AFTER your pre-amp loop will see the signal from your pre-amp, exactly the same as if they were in your amps' FX loop.
5. Connect the output from QMX to your amps' FX RETURN.
So all QMX loops before the pre-amp loop will be sent to the input of the amp, while all loops after will be seeing the pre-amp signal.
Remember, you MUST leave your preamp loop turned on, otherwise you'll bypass the preamp and be plugged directly into the power amp.
Attached is the diagram, for the G3 but the signal path is the same
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